Hexagram 12 Line 4

Hexagram 12 Line 4

01a-IC-R-S 08SC-04-Hx12 Standstill, Stagnation-L4

Nine in the fourth place:

One pushes others beyond their capacity.

The foundation is not reliable.

One does more than is appropriate.

Someone will be inconvenienced.

There will be repercussions.


…..The fourth place:  2. The Receptive

…..Yielding to the demands of the time.

…..Receptive to the vulnerabilities of others.

…..Do not show favouritism.

…..Everyone must be considered.

…..No one should be alienated.

…..Together we will succeed, divided we will fail.


……….Nine in the fourth place:

……….One acts without understanding

……….And without consideration of others.

……….One takes advantage of one’s position

……….And increases oneself.

……….Resources will be gained.

……….Trust will be lost.


Technical Considerations of Line 4:

Solid in an even place

Inappropriate action

Firmness at the wrong time

(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 7 and 8)

Holding Together with inappropriate energy below.

(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 5 and 6)

Inner Correspondence: Approval and support from Line 1

(Astrological note: Approval and support from Houses 1 and 2)


Trigrams of Influence:

Lower Nuclear

Upper Nuclear

Upper Primary

Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Fourth Place:

This is one of the six lines (3 solid and 3 broken) that neutralize themselves at 15° Scorpio. In the I Ching there are a total of 24 such neutral lines. This allows for an exact correspondence between 360° of the Zodiac and the remaining 360 lines of the I Ching.

It happens in the middle of each of the fixed signs, where the cardinal forces meet the mutable forces.

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!