Hexagram 40 Line 3

Hexagram 40 Line 3

01a-IC-R-S 06VI-01-Hx40 Deliverance-L3


Six in the third place: (03° – 04° Virgo)

One observes the difficulties

But is not in a position to solve them.

Surrounded by inappropriate actions,

One does nothing!


…..The third place: 03° – 04° Virgo:  62. Preponderance of the Small

…..In small matters success.

…..In large matters delays.

…..Be cautious about your effect on others.


……….Six in the third place:

……….Lacking in preparation

……….One sees obstacles at every turn.

……….One must adjust to the demands of the time

……….And make an effort to do the best that one can.


Technical Considerations of Line 3:

Broken in an odd place

Inappropriate receptivity

Yielding at the wrong time

(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 5 and 6)

Holding Together with inappropriate energy below.

(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 3 and 4)

Holding Together with inappropriate energy above.

(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 7 and 8)

No Correspondence


Trigrams of Influence:

Lower Primary

Lower Nuclear

Upper Nuclear

Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Third Place:

Pent-lines-06VI 03-04 Hx-40 Deliverance

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!