Nine in the second place: (19° – 20° Aries)
One is active everywhere,
But no one notices.
…..The second place: 19° – 20° Aries: 57. The Gentle, Penetrating, Wind, Wood.
…..The power of gentleness is often unseen
…..And underestimated.
……….Nine in the second place:
……….Expressions of happiness
……….Are short in duration.
……….Any deviation from virtue
……….Will be noticed.
Technical Considerations of Line 2:
Solid in an even place
Inappropriate action
Firmness at the wrong time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 3 and 4)
Holding Together with inappropriate energy above.
(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 5 and 6)
No Correspondence
Trigrams of Influence:
Lower Primary
Lower Nuclear

Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Second Place: