Six in the fourth place: (03° – 04° Leo)
As the sun shines on all.
You must share your insights and resources.
Consider the greater good.
Be patient.
Do not let your own energy degenerate.
…..The fourth place: 03° – 04° Leo: 61. Inner Truth
…..The well is properly lined.
…..Actions will speak louder than words.
…..Fill the stomach and not the mind.
…..Let the young and the old drink first.
……….Six in the fourth place:
……….The problems are more than one person can handle.
……….There will be delays.
……….One joins with others to help.
……….Good fortune.
Technical Considerations of Line 4:
Broken in an even place
Appropriate receptivity
Yielding at the right time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 7 and 8)
Holding Together with appropriate energy below.
(Astrological note: Appropriate reinforcement from Houses 5 and 6)
Holding Together with appropriate energy above.
(Astrological note: Appropriate reinforcement from Houses 9 and 10)
No Correspondence
Trigrams of Influence:
Lower Nuclear
Upper Nuclear
Upper Primary
Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Fourth Place: