Six in the sixth place: (18° – 19° Leo)
One has accumulated bad companions.
There is nothing more to do.
Those close to you will hold on for more
No one will align properly.
One must withdraw to regain composure and integrity.
Until then, vitality will not return.
…..The sixth place: 18° – 19° Leo: 32. Duration
…..Movement in the forest.
…..Thunder and wind increase.
…..One must wait for the wind to die down
…..Before progress will be made.
……….Six in the sixth place:
……….One is enticed by opportunity.
……….To fan the flames of desire would be folly.
……….To encourage the unworthy, will lead to dishonour.
……….Do not throw good energy after bad.
Technical Considerations of Line 6:
Broken in an even place
Appropriate receptivity
Yielding at the right time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 11 and 12)
Holding Together with appropriate energy below.
(Astrological note: Appropriate reinforcement from Houses 9 and 10)
No Correspondence
Trigrams of Influence:
Upper Primary
Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Sixth Place: