Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number:
(Sequential: Alternative Name and Number:
- Procrastination )
Zodiac:………..18° – 24° Sagittarius
Calendar:………Northern Hemisphere: Dec 10 to Dec 16 approx
……………….Southern Hemisphere: Jun 9 to Jun 15 approx
House 4:……..12° – 06° setting to IC
Time of day:…11:12 to 11:36 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)
Aspect:………12° – 06° Waning
Moon Phase:.. Waning New Moon Phase (45° – 00°)
……………………(10½ to 14 days after the Full Moon).
The mountain above, the earth below.
Stillness at the top, yielding at the bottom.
The situation is not stable.
One wants to relax,
Just when there will be increased demands.
Inertia will not gain a following.
In the still of the night.
No noise should be made.
Do not disturb the rest of others.
There is no place for pride or individual accomplishment here.
The way of society prevails.
One must rely on the team.
The whole group together is greater than the sum of its parts.
Your influence is diminished.
Be receptive.
If you do not align you will be left out in the cold.
By non-action everything will be done.
The group ascends.
To be separate now means great aloneness.
One’s position is vulnerable.
One needs the support of others.
To rely on others and yet make excessive demands goes beyond folly.
If one does not align and help
One will encounter increasing difficulties.
The more that people mind your business, the less freedom you will have.
If one holds to individual concerns,
It would be wise to pull away or move on.
The insensitive stranger will not stay.
To be content in supporting the team without personal gain
Requires great virtue.
The mother to the third son.
She keeps busy. He keeps still.
She needs help. He can be lazy.
She will have to encourage him before he will help.
He will be the last to leave home.
She will not force him out.
She worries. He rests content.
She will not have time to herself until he goes.
He is in no hurry to go.
She understands his hesitation.
He feels secure in her understanding.
18-24 SA: 23. Splitting Apart
If one distinguishes oneself, on will become isolated.
Good moods will have a good effect.
Bad moods will have a bad effect.
There is much to learn.
If one must teach, one should teach the values of togetherness.
If you do not set yourself up, you will not be brought down.