Hexagram 16 Text

Hexagram 16 Text


Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number:


(Sequential: Alternative Name and Number:

  1. Quick to Respond)



Zodiac:………..00° – 06° Sagittarius

Calendar:……..Northern Hemisphere: Nov 22 to Nov 27 approx

……………….Southern Hemisphere: May 21 to May 27 approx

House 4:……..30° – 24° setting to IC

Time of day:…10:00 to 10:24 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)

Aspect:………..30° – 24° Waning (Semi-Sextile – separating)

Moon Phase:.. Waning New Moon Phase (45° – 00°)

……………………(10½ to 14 days after the Full Moon).



Thunder above, the earth below.

One is receptive to shock.

There will be many sudden changes.

One will adapt.

Understanding the need for excitement,

One will give encouragement

To those who lift the spirits of others.



Thunder on the earth.

Unexpected movement.

Team spirit is aroused.

The eldest son appears.

He is guided by the needs of the mother.

To make the way easier is good.

Give hearty applause and encourage the efforts of others.

Music heals the soul and brings peace to the family.

Excitement inspires.

Worries get left behind.

Life is good.



Outer shock, inner receptivity.

When something unique happens

Everyone will notice.

Excitement that inspires enthusiasm can change the world.

Positive excitement, like music and theatre,

Can take people beyond their miseries.

If one is worthy one will encourage others.



The mother to the first son.

She understands that he will get into trouble.

She will try to hold it all together and watch over him.

He is the arousing force.

He will have a shocking effect.

She understands and is concerned over what he will do next.

He will jump at any opportunity for excitement.

There is never a dull moment.

She keeps the whole family together.

He has to learn from his own experience.

She is receptive to his enthusiasm.

He is always starting something.

She will run when it is too quiet!

She will run when she hears thunder!



Pentans-09SA 00-06 Hx-16 Enthusiasm

00-06 SA: 16. Enthusiasm

Vulnerable to impatience, one takes the initiative.

Properly directed effort will make things better for everyone.

Action will inspire enthusiasm and encourage others.

One must fight against criticism

And prove the value of optimism.

Show enthusiasm in all that you do

And your efforts will be appreciated.

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!