Nine in the second place: (16° – 17° Taurus)
Personal satisfaction is hollow and vain.
Don’t relax until the faces around you are smiling.
Go out of your way to be helpful.
Make a difference!
…..The second place: 16° – 17° Taurus: 27. The Corners of the Mouth
…..To be sparing of words will increase credibility.
…..To overindulge will diminish respect.
……….Nine in the second place:
……….One tries to do too much.
……….Not everyone will be pleased or grateful.
……….One’s sincerity will be questioned.
Technical Considerations of Line 2:
Solid in an even place
Inappropriate action
Firmness at the wrong time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 3 and 4)
No Holding Together
Outer Correspondence: Approval and support from Line 5
(Astrological note: Approval and support from Houses 9 and 10)
Trigrams of Influence:
Lower Primary
Lower Nuclear
Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Second Place: