Six in the sixth place: (18° – 19° Pisces)
Supported by what is right,
One trusts in the law of Karma.
One is considerate of others
And rests content with what one has.
…..The sixth place: 18° – 19° Pisces: 42. Increase
…..Good vibrations increase.
…..Be encouraging.
…..Help will come.
……….Six in the sixth place:
……….Insincerity abounds.
……….One knows one’s limits.
……….One pulls away from frivolity and favouritism
……….And takes time to reflect.
Technical Considerations of Line 6:
Broken in an even place
Appropriate receptivity
Yielding at the right time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 11 and 12)
Holding Together with appropriate energy below.
(Astrological note: Appropriate reinforcement from Houses 9 and 10)
Inner Correspondence: Approval and support from Line 3
(Astrological note: Approval and support from Houses 5 and 6)
Trigrams of Influence:
Upper Primary
Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Sixth Place: