Hexagram 33 Line 3

Hexagram 33 Line 3

01a-IC-R-S 07LI-01-Hx33 Retreat-L3

Nine in the third place: (02° – 03° Libra)

Movements of the mind.

Silence is challenged.

One moves higher on the mountain

And strives for greater insights.

Progress is made.


…..The third place: 02° – 03° Libra:  60. Limitation

…..Critical thoughts and overindulgence

…..Will limit progress.

…..Do not explain!

…..Do not talk!

…..Silence is golden.


……….Nine in the third place:

……….Firm in duty.

……….One actively helps when the need arises.

……….Nothing is left undone.

……….Still there is a greater mystery.

……….One works hard on self-improvement.


Technical Considerations of Line 3:

Solid in an odd place

Appropriate action

Firmness at the right time

(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 5 and 6)

Holding Together with appropriate energy below.

(Astrological note: Appropriate reinforcement from Houses 3 and 4)

No Correspondence


Trigrams of Influence:

Lower Primary

Lower Nuclear

Upper Nuclear

Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Third Place:

Pent-lines-07LI 02-03 Hx-33 Retreat

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!