Hexagram 23 Line 2

Hexagram 23 Line 2

01a-IC-R-S 09SA-04-Hx23 Splitting Apart-L2

Six in the second place: (22° – 23° Sagittarius)

One does not ask for oneself.

One supports the worthy and the needy.

What fault can there be in this?


…..The second place: 22° – 23° Sagittarius:  46. Pushing Upwards + 6. Conflict

…..One pushes forward.

…..There will be conflict.

…..If one is sincerely helping others,

…..There will be more praise than criticism.


……….Six in the second place:

……….One adjusts to the needs of others

……….And shares what one has.

……….Even a stranger will be fed.


Technical Considerations of Line 2:

Broken in an even place

Appropriate receptivity

Yielding at the right time

(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 3 and 4)

No Holding Together

No Correspondence


Trigrams of Influence:

Lower Primary

Lower Nuclear

Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Second Place:

Pent-lines-09SA 22-23 Hx-23 Splitting Apart

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!