Hexagram 14 Line 5

Hexagram 14 Line 5

01a-IC-R-S 03GE-03-Hx14 Possession In Great Measure-L5

Six in the fifth place: (13° – 14° Gemini)

One sees the light.

Feels the momentum

Listens to as many people as possible

And encourages them.


…..The fifth place: 13° – 14° Gemini:  43. Breakthrough, Resoluteness

…..The time for a breakthrough is here.

…..No one can resist.

…..One may as well accept the situation in good cheer.


……….Six in the fifth place:

……….One enjoys oneself.

……….Responsibilities will be overlooked or forgotten.

……….For all the good intention

……….Not much will be done.

……….If time is wasted, respect will be lost.


Technical Considerations of Line 5:

Broken in an odd place

Inappropriate receptivity

Yielding at the wrong time

(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 9 and 10)

Holding Together with inappropriate energy below.

(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 7 and 8)

Holding Together with inappropriate energy above.

(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 11 and 12)

Inner Correspondence: Approval and support from Line 2

(Astrological note: Approval and support from Houses 3 and 4)


Trigrams of Influence:

Upper Nuclear

Upper Primary

Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Fifth Place:

Pent-lines-03GE 13-14 Hx-14 Possession In Great Measure

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!