Nine in the third place: (21° – 22° Gemini)
One acts alone.
One knows just what to say.
Much will be accomplished
Through independent initiatives.
…..The third place: 21° – 22° Gemini: 18. Work on What Has Been Spoiled
…..Work on what has been spoiled.
…..There is overgrowth.
…..The path must be cleared.
……….Nine in the third place:
……….One acts assertively
……….And solves problems quickly.
……….One action is worth a thousand words.
Technical Considerations of Line 3:
Solid in an odd place
Appropriate action
Firmness at the right time
(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 5 and 6)
No Holding Together
No Correspondence
Trigrams of Influence:
Lower Primary
Lower Nuclear
Upper Nuclear
Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Third Place: