Hexagram 62 Text

Hexagram 62 Text


Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number:


(Sequential: Alternative Name and Number:

  1. In Stillness Thoughts Arise)



Zodiac:………18° – 24° Libra

Calendar:……..Northern Hemisphere: Oct 11 to Oct 17 approx

……………………Southern Hemisphere: Apr 8 to Apr 14 approx

House 6:……..72° – 66° setting to IC

Time of day:…07:12 to 07:36 PM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)

Aspect:………72° – 66° Waning (Quintile – separating)

Moon Phase:.. Waning Crescent Moon Phase (90° – 45°)

……………………(7 to 10½ days after the Full Moon).



Thunder above, the mountain below.

The arousing force without and stillness within.

Sudden change is threatening.

One will wait until one is ready.

To rush ahead would be folly.

Get yourself together before you move.



Thunder on the mountain.

Movement is demanded.

One cannot see.

There is no secure footing.

Find a resting spot.

Secure your safety.

A bird on the wing,

Flies through the air.

Nothing above, nothing below.

Still it would be dangerous to fly higher!

It is wiser to stay close to the nest!



Outer stimulation, inner restraint.

The mind is active, while the body is still.

Creative everywhere

But not well received.

One draws attention to oneself

Before securing relationships.

To speak will cause shock and disturb the peace.

One must be cautious about expressing excitement.



The third son to the first son.

The third son keeps still.

The first son is the arousing force.

The third son waits calmly.

The first son is shocking like thunder.

The third son will listen, but will be slow to follow.

The first son will act on impulse.

He will tell his younger brother what to do.

The third son will not keep up with the first son.

He will consider the implications and rest content with simpler actions.

The third son will be difficult to get out of the house.

The first son will be quick to leave.



Pentans-07LI 18-24 Hx-62 Preponderanced Of The Small

18-24 LI: 62. Preponderance of the Small

The body sits still but the mind does not!

One thinks of noble things to do,

But one must be patient.

If one feels supported, one will take the lead.

If one becomes proud of what one knows,

One will lose the foundation.

It would be wiser to encourage others to lead.

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!