Hexagram 19 Text

Hexagram 19 Text


Divination: Later Heaven Name and Number


(Sequential: Alternative Name and Number:

  1. Victory of the Light)



Zodiac:……..00° – 06° Aries

Calendar:……Northern Hemisphere: Mar 20 to Mar 26 approx

…………………..Southern Hemisphere: Sep 23 to Sep 29 approx

House 12:…..90° – 96° rising from IC

Time of day:..06:00 to 06:24 AM (Local Mean Time or Sun Dial time)

Aspect:……..90° – 96° Waxing (Square – separating)

Moon Phase:. Waxing Half Moon Phase (90° – 135°)

………………………(7 to 10 ½ days after the New Moon).



Earth above, the Lake below.

Receptivity without, joy within.

Yielding to pleasure.

One will act on one’s desires.

No one will oppose.

Many will want to join in.

If one does not take the right approach,

The quality of who one attracts will suffer.



Great change.

The light returns.

The earth is flooded.

Action will replace inertia.

Laughter will overcome fear!

To champion the helpless brings light to the darkness

And ensures success.

An energetic start is essential.



Receptive without, cheerful within.

Everyone is happy with the approach of spring

And the increasing light.

Happiness is the right approach.

One takes the initiative and encounters no opposition.

No one wants to be confined by the sensitivities of others.

There is a little more freedom than there was yesterday.

The darkness is fading.

Light becomes easier.

Everyone responds to happiness.

One person’s good cheer

Will have a vast effect.



The third daughter to the mother.

The mother is busy.

The third daughter likes to have fun.

The third daughter tries to cheer up her mother.

The mother would be happier

If her daughter would help more.

The third daughter will promise to return

But she is quickly tempted to do whatever is more fun.

The third daughter likes to play.

Her mother doesn’t have the time

Or the will power to oppose her.

If she approaches in good cheer,

She will get her way.



Pentans-01AR 00-06 Hx-19 Approach

00-06AR: 19. Approach

Impulse drives.

One acts without listening to reason.

It is spring, the time of fools.

It is also a time of individual strength and courage.

Action prevails.

Movement towards freedom and laughter.

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!