Hexagram 14 Line 4

Hexagram 14 Line 4

01a-IC-R-S 03GE-03-Hx14 Possession In Great Measure-L4

Nine in the fourth place: (14° – 15° Gemini)

Goodwill in motion.

No one will oppose.

One might laugh and talk too much.

A positive breakthrough is inevitable.


…..The fourth place: 14° – 15° Gemini:  1. The Creative


…..Creative confidence.

…..Spontaneous initiative.

…..Independent thinking.

…..Free speech!


……….Nine in the fourth place:

……….One speaks freely.

……….One wants to be heard amidst words and laughter.

……….One cannot assess the worthiness of others.



Technical Considerations of Line 4:

Solid in an even place

Inappropriate action

Firmness at the wrong time

(Astrological note: This place concerns the affairs of Houses 7 and 8)

Holding Together with inappropriate energy above.

(Astrological note: Inappropriate reinforcement from Houses 9 and 10)

No Correspondence


Trigrams of Influence:

Lower Nuclear

Upper Nuclear

Upper Primary

Zodiac Considerations (Sub-Pentans) for the Fourth Place:

Pent-lines-03GE 14-15 Hx-14 Possession In Great Measure

A New Interpretation of Hexagrams! Without the Superior Man!